Executive Summary
The purpose of this business plan is to raise $200,000 for the implementation of a microdot solar panel company. PanElectric Co. is a Connecticut based C-Corporation that will provide the sale of microdot solar panels to commercial customers in its targeted market. Thriving Engineering and Science University Magnet School students founded the company in January 2015.

Cities with very tall buildings require large amounts of power. Because of the multitude of skyscrapers, there is an abundance of surface area on all sides of the buildings. Think of the amount of energy that could be harnessed if solar panels enwrapped the office building. The morning sun shining on the eastern side of the building, the noonday sun on rooftops and the evening sun as it sets on the western side of the building - this is 14 hours of sunlight, just waiting to be captured and put to use in the form of clean, renewable energy. With the use of this type of innovation, there would be a lower demand for energy on the power grid and an increase in the benefits to the environment.
When you think of solar panels you probably have visions of solar farms where panels are laid out row after row. These traditional panels need to sit on flat horizontal surfaces such as desert floors or open fields, taking up valuable land space. With land becoming more of a premium in today's economy, panels are being installed on building rooftops. Since a panel’s function is to absorb everybody bit of light possible, the panels are put in places where shade won’t be an obstacle.

PanElectric saw an innovative way to take what we already have and make it better. Thanks to advancements in technology, solar panels have come a long way in the past 50 years; they are no longer big, clunky pieces of equipment. Microdot technology has taken the traditional panel and made it slimmer while simultaneously increasing panel efficiency by 41% with respect to traditional panels. It is PanElectric’s vision to use these microdot solar panels in a new and innovative manner.
By utilizing the unused solar square footage of a building, our goal is to cover the four sides of corporate structures with our solar panel windows allowing the building to harness more solar energy thereby becoming less dependent on traditional utilities.

But will people be able to see out of their office window? Our innovative design allows for a four-layer design. Starting with the outermost layer, a pane of pressurized glass would protect an PanElectric Co. Business Plan ESUMS eCommerce 5 | Pag e inner layer of microdot solar panels. The solar cells are attached to a film with a hole pattern. The punch out holes work similarly to advertisements on city buses allowing one to see through from behind, but still being able to collect sunlight. Because the holes are so small, the amount of solar cells is still in high abundance making this one of the most cost efficient technologies to date. The power generated from the panels will be fed to batteries installed on multiple floors as well as the basement of the building, in turn supplying power to the building.
Because the solar panels are protected by pressurized glass, they should be safe from the elements. But should a panel become faulty and need replacement, here is where our unique design comes into play. The innermost glass panes are able to unlatch and open inward providing access to the layer of solar panels, at which point they can either be fixed or replaced.